
位置:主页 > 商业洞察 > 广告测评与品牌研究 >

Q1:目标消费者偏好何种类型的广告?什么内容?什么形式?调性如何?What types of advertising do target consumers prefer? What content? What form? How about tonality?

Q2:备选的几套广告方案中,目标消费者的接受度如何?应该选择哪一套?How acceptable are the target consumers among the alternative advertising schemes? Which one should I choose?

Q3:选择哪些媒体进行投放?这些不同类型媒体的宣传价值或效果如何?Which media should we choose to launch? What is the propaganda value or effect of these different types of media?

Q4:媒体资源供应商是否按照合同要求投放了准确内容?Has the media resource provider delivered accurate content in accordance with the contract requirements?

Q5:消费者是否看到了我们的广告?是否喜欢?记住了什么?广告对消费者的影响如何?对品牌宣传的提升作用如何?是否促动了销售?Do consumers see our advertisements? Do you like it? What do you remember? What is the impact of advertising on consumers? What is the role of brand promotion? Does it promote sales?

Q6:我们的品牌宣传是否有效?品牌知名度如何?是否是第一提及?是否需要提示才能想起?Is our brand promotion effective? How is the brand awareness? Is it the first mention? Do you need a reminder to remember?

Q7:品牌在消费者心目中的形象如何?品牌溢价如何?品牌价值、品牌资产在同类品牌中的地位如何?应当如何改善?What is the image of the brand in the minds of consumers? What is the brand premium? What is the status of brand value and brand equity in similar brands? How should it be improved?



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